A Bredesen Protocol update

This is the latest paper from Bredesen and colleagues, published in the Open Access Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Parkinsonism. When searching for the article, I found many websites sharing it, and this one has negative comments about Bredesen and his protocol, alongside some very positive ones! As always, with new approaches to diseases (or anything),Continue reading “A Bredesen Protocol update”

Reinvesting in life is the best prescription

It’s been a while since I published anything here… but I have been reminded of an article I wrote a few years ago for the Australian Journal of Dementia Care today, which is about ditching the Prescribed Disengagement® given to most of us when diagnosed with dementia, and Living Beyond Dementia™ instead. Reinvesting in life isContinue reading “Reinvesting in life is the best prescription”

Transcendental Meditation and Dementia

Anyone who follows this site knows I have been a believer in Bredesen’s Protocol, although I do have some healthy scepticism as well! In saying that, I believe if we don’t view dementia as a chronic disease, which brings with it acquired cognitive disabilities, the estimates of people being diagnosed may be much higher thanContinue reading “Transcendental Meditation and Dementia”

Dementia and The Titanic

The Titanic sadly, but very famously sank, and there was no stopping it, with many people losing their lives! History.com says: “The luxury steamship RMS Titanic sank in the early hours of April 15, 1912, off the coast of Newfoundland in the North Atlantic after sideswiping an iceberg during its maiden voyage. Of the 2,240 passengers andContinue reading “Dementia and The Titanic”

My questioning brain…

Ok, so anyone who follows me here, or indeed my other blog, will know I’ve been a strong believer of the Bredesen Protocol. A few weeks ago, I was inspired to see this Protocol differently. In particular, the fact that MPI Cognition refuses to make their list of trained practitioners public is what is makingContinue reading “My questioning brain…”

Reversing dementia…

It’s been too long since I posted something here, so here is a blog to tell you about the video series many people with dementia and other chronic illnesses around the world have been watching. A bit of history though, about why I am committed to the notion we can reverse or at least significantlyContinue reading “Reversing dementia…”

Healing Story of the Month: August 2017

Thanks to a new friend Peter S, for sending me this blog from a website called The Radical Remission Project. It is yet another example of how lifestyle changes can and do reverse or at least slow down dementia. Despite carrying the Alzheimber’s gene, “DKF” experienced a radical remission from early-onset cognitive decline by makingContinue reading “Healing Story of the Month: August 2017”

Dr Dave speaks at a DAI webinar very soon re stabilising and reversing dementia…

This is what Dr Dave Jenkins was doing, before he decided preventing, reversing or stabilising dementia was his priority as a medical doctor…  If you haven’t already registered for the DAI Webinar, there is plenty of time to do so.

A dose of reality from David Kramer

Written on Facebook by an online friend, David Kramer, a retired medical doctor and online  friend, I felt his comment, and the article he refers us to is of importance on my blog here. David says” Help yourself to a free dose of reality! In spite of the misleading headline, the story is spot on.Continue reading “A dose of reality from David Kramer”